Birth Stories

The first few weeks of a baby's life are a whirlwind of growth and change, making it crucial to capture these moments before they slip away. These heartwarming images allow you to relive baby's early days, evoking emotions that transcend time and creating a bond that lasts a lifetime. Investing in newborn photography is a priceless gift that ensures these fleeting moments are treasured for generations to come!

Maternity Session

Maternity sessions take place around the 30-36 week time frame, depending on the look of your bump you're wanting! Includes up to 2 locations and outfits, and your partner and other kiddos are welcome to join as well!

Newborn Session

Newborn sessions happen within the first 7 days of baby's entrance. We'll do 2-3 sets, depending on how much they'll tolerate, and a family set. These sessions take place at my home studio.

Milestone Session

These sessions can be for any milestone in baby's first year! Sitting up, walking, first birthday, etc. Location will be dependent on themes, etc! (Smash cakes are not provided for first birthday sessions, but are very welcome!).

Bundles of Joy

All The Things Bundle

maternity, Newborn,

6 month/sitting up, and first birthday sessions,

plus 10 digital files from each session.


Best Value! $1250 value

Grow With Me Bundle

Capture your little one's entire first year! Newborn,

6 month/sitting up, and first birthday sessions,

plus 5 digital files from each session.


$950 value!

A La Carte

Please note all digital and physical products are purchased separately


Up to 2 outfits/locations.



Up to 3 outfit/set changes, plus one family set. Takes place in my home studio.



Up to 2 outfit/set changes. Ideal for sitting up, walking, or first birthday sessions. Cake smash* sets can take the place of 1 outfit/set.


*Does not include smash cake

Love Stories

Birth Stories

Life Stories